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아웃룩 주소록에 저장하는 방법

private void AddContact()
    Outlook.ContactItem newContact = (Outlook.ContactItem)
        newContact.FirstName = "Jo";
        newContact.LastName = "Berry";
        newContact.Email1Address = "somebody@example.com";
        newContact.CustomerID = "123456";
        newContact.PrimaryTelephoneNumber = "(425)555-0111";
        newContact.MailingAddressStreet = "123 Main St.";
        newContact.MailingAddressCity = "Redmond";
        newContact.MailingAddressState = "WA";
        MessageBox.Show("The new contact was not saved.");

[How to: Create a Contact Item]


using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;

private void CreateContactExample()
    Outlook.ContactItem contact = Application.CreateItem(
        Outlook.OlItemType.olContactItem) as Outlook.ContactItem;
    contact.FirstName = "Mellissa";
    contact.LastName = "MacBeth";
    contact.JobTitle = "Account Representative";
    contact.CompanyName = "Contoso Ltd.";
    contact.OfficeLocation = "36/2529";
    contact.BusinessTelephoneNumber = "4255551212 x432";
    contact.WebPage = "http://www.contoso.com";
    contact.BusinessAddressStreet = "1 Microsoft Way";
    contact.BusinessAddressCity = "Redmond";
    contact.BusinessAddressState = "WA";
    contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode = "98052";
    contact.BusinessAddressCountry =
        "United States of America";
    contact.Email1Address = "melissa@contoso.com";
    contact.Email1AddressType = "SMTP";
    contact.Email1DisplayName =
        "Melissa MacBeth (mellissa@contoso.com)";

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